Highest health status since 1993
Optimal production and breeding requires breeding animals in good health. Therefore, health status is given top priority at Breeding Centre Rønshauge.
Since 1993, we have consistently had the highest health status, Red SPF, and therefore hold one of the best and strongest track records in Denmark.In Denmark, we have a GIS map which can document the carefully selected locations of our production units, which ensure excellent protection against infections.
Our extensive biosecurity program
We spend a lot on maintaining our top health status. We take our professional responsibility very seriously for both our own sake and that of our customers. In addition to being part of the SPF-SuS Red Control health programme, our sense of responsibility has ensured that Breeding Center Rønshauge complies with some of the most stringent infection protection policies in this field, guaranteeing our customers that the animals they receive have the highest health status. All our employees and business partners receive regular updates about current rules and any additions.
We welcome visits by customers who would like to inspect our breeding animals. Visits take place on the below-mentioned conditions.
Conditions for visits
We require 48 hours of quarantine in Denmark after contact with other pigs or in connection with visits from abroad.
All visitors must sign the visitor register, and flight tickets/hotel receipts must be presented upon request to the staff at Breeding Center Rønshauge A/S.
To access the facilities, both staff and guests must first shower in our changing room and change into the workwear supplied.
External transport with direct loading is subject to prior agreement and a minimum of 48 hours of quarantine since the vehicle was last cleaned and disinfected. We personally check and approve the carrier’s cleaning certificate and the lorry before loading. Any doubt about whether the lorry has been correctly cleaned will result in immediate rejection, and the lorry will not be allowed past the security gate. In addition, the matter will be reported.
Internal infection protection measures
- Video-monitored security gate before access to Rønshauge
- Restrictive quarantine rules for business partners and their equipment
- Restrictions on the delivery of materials
- Restrictions on all suppliers in connection with building contracts
- Training and testing of employees in the infection protection rules
- Extended rodent protection scheme
- Restrictive policy for the cleaning of own cars and lorries
- Procedure for the cleaning and disinfection of all ramps
- Rules regarding the delivery of breeding animals and ancillary materials
- Transportation of slurry and feed to and from the plant
- Rules on the collection of dead animals (DAKA)
In other words, our health work is professional, thorough and highly effective, and as a result the breeding animals we supply to our customers are always extremely healthy.