Breeding Center Rønshauge is owned by Mads Kring, Birgitte Kring and Per Kring.
The management of Breeding Center Rønshauge A/S

Kim Knudsen
Senior Works Manager:
Responsible for production and genetics

Tyge Bech
Senior Works Manager:
Responsible for sales, logistics and selection

Ditlev Lindholm
Selection Manager:
Responsible for selection and sales management for F1/hybrid animals (LY/YL)

Nicki Kristensen
Works Manager:
Production and sales management

Imre Szentgyorgyi
Works Manager:
Responsible for multiplication at Follerupgaard

Alexandra Bogdan
Responsible for bookkeeping and accounts
Ownership of Breeding Center Rønshauge A/S

Mads Kring
Director, owner

Birgitte Kring
Administration, owner

Per Kring
Per and Birgitte Kring founded Breeding Center Rønshauge when they purchased the property in 1983.
Mads Kring is son of the founders Per and Birgitte Kring. In 2011, Mads Kring became a co-owner of Breeding Centre Rønshauge A/S with a view to a gradual generational change in the company. Mads has a Master of Finance and International Business from Aarhus University.